Background / Challenge:
The Arena Group, formerly Maven, is a tech driven media company enabling brands like Sports Illustrated and TheStreet. The Arena Group creates robust digital destinations that delight and engage consumers through powerful journalism, entertainment, and news.
Maven approached WANT Branding in 2021 to rebrand the company as a modern media brand for the future.
Over the course of several months, WANT Branding engaged Maven to create a new brand strategy, name, and visual identity. The WANT team quickly went to work to devise several brand positioning ideas. ‘Where The Action Is’ was chosen to reposition the brand as a dynamic organization driven by passion. Brand building blocks and a new brand manifesto were developed to further clarify the brand positioning.
WANT Branding then went to work to create hundreds of name ideas. 2 rounds of 15 names were presented to Maven, of which the name ‘The Arena Group’ was chosen. The new name would signify the core business strategy of building scalable media verticals, dubbed ‘Arenas’ on a single digital platform.
The new brand identity was then designed to evoke a media ecosystem bringing together consumers, brands, publishers, storytellers and advertisers. The engagement was extended to include the development of a new website and various brand activation elements that would help bring the new brand to life.
The Arena Group launched in September 2021. Internal stakeholders were pleased and confidence remains high that the rebrand was strategically in line with the organization’s goals for the future. The Arena Group has accurately repositioned itself as a provider of dynamic digital destinations that engage and delight consumers across sports, finance, and lifestyle.