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Inpel was created to transform the higher education system by placing students and teachers first. The platform they developed removes layers of administrative waste, lowers cost, and provides education that is affordable and flexible.

They approached WANT Branding in need of a new brand name and logo to stand apart in a crowded competitive field and set them up for success.


We began the rebranding program with a discovery phase that included management interviews, background document review, and a competitive audit to determine the opportunity space for the new brand.

The discovery interviews informed our NamingBlueprint – the document that serves as a naming brief and outlines the key criteria, types of names, and themes we’ll explore.

Next, we created hundreds of names against that brief before shortlisting to 20 round 1 names. We presented the names in context with rationales explaining their derivation and their potential. After gathering feedback, we made the requisite changes to the NamingBlueprint before creating hundreds of more names against the refined brief. We presented 20 more names for Round 2 and shortlisted down to the final 5 names.

After further legal due diligence and discussion with the management team, the final name Turion was chosen. The name is derived from “centurion”, the leader of one of the Roman army’s elite squad of 100 men. The name reflects leadership and discipline and has an inviting yet techie tone.

With the final name in hand, we began developing logo designs. We chose a stylized wordmark design with an embedded symbol in the “O” in Turion. The “complete O” symbol denotes comprehensive online learning capabilities. Lastly, we created the final Brand Guidelines ensuring a cohesive design system around the Turion brand is deployed.


  • Brand Naming
  • Brand Identity

New York, NY

Miami, FL

San Francisco, CA

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