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One of the key challenges in Naming is finding peace of mind in a decision.

Too often, it’s easy to go back to the well, to keep exploring ideas, looking for the ‘B.B.D.’ (bigger better deal). It’s easy to think there might be a better or ‘eureka’ name out there if we just keep striving to create a few more names.

Many of our naming assignments involve us arriving late in the process.

Clients have often embarked on name generation of their own and have a long or shortlist of ideas. Some stakeholders may feel there is a winner in the internally generated list of names, others may disagree, or there may not be clear consensus.

Or, sometimes, the top names are not legally available as trademarks.

The client often feels frustration.

In these types of situations, hiring a naming agency provides several sources of value:

  1. A proven process that creates a more strategic and objective framework for naming.
  2. New, creative name ideas from the agency team (to augment an existing list of internally generated names).
  3. An experienced hand to help navigate the client through various choices.
  4. A mutual understanding that there is an endpoint to the naming decision, whereby, at the end of our collaborative process we’ll jointly agree on a winning idea.

But, the biggest source of value is peace of mind – the notion that collectively, having explored names from internal sources and from an experienced Naming agency, everyone can feel satisfied and comfortable that we’ve left no stone unturned in arriving at our decision.

At the end of the process, we may not feel we have a ‘perfect’ name, but in our experience, perfection comes through time and once we start to build the brand narrative and imbue greater meaning into the name.

Quickly Forgotten
Merger and Acquisition Brand Naming Strategies
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